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A weaker pound and higher footfalls, which helped retail stocks, pushed the FTSE 100 higher to consolidate the previous session’s gains. It ended up 42.95 points at 6,938.24, just short of the 7,000 level it breached at the end of last week.

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FTSE:FSI. FTSE 100 Index. Actions. Add to watchlist; Add an alert; Price (GBP) 6,859.87; Scotland faces up to life after oil The FTSE 100 index of shares in London has seen a “sprightly start” on the first full day of trading of 2021. The blue-chip index is currently up 1.73%, or 111.77 points, at 6,572.29 2020-11-18 · Find the latest information on FTSE 100 (^FTSE) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance 2021-03-31 · FTSE 350 Life Insurance Overview.

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FTSE 100 INDEX. 0,00%. 08:35:30. 6 938,56.