infotainment - Engelsk-svensk ordbok -


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「インフォテインメント」の意味は《information(情報)+entertainment(娯楽)から》情報と娯楽を融合したもののこと。Weblio国語辞典では「インフォテインメント」の意味や使い方、用例、類似表現などを解説しています。 MirrorLink™ installed in the infotainment system allows compatible smartphones to display and control applications on-screen. This lends a new dimension, for instance, to the use of navigation software or to the enjoyment of personal music. Infotainment – här är de bästa systemen Volvo visar vägen med ett lyckat infotainmentsystem i XC90. SvD Tjänstebil jämför det med några av de vassaste konkurrenterna på marknaden. Infotainment Infotainment Content Delivered Entertaining Attract Consumer's Interest Informative 3. Origin of Infotainment This term was 1st used in September 1980 by British information scientist who put comedy shows on their professional conference. 4.


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Chevrolet Infotainment 3 System functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. Read the vehicles Owner's Manual for more important feature limitations and information. Rear Cross Traffic Alert, Rear Park Assist and Lane Change Alert with Side Blind Zone Alert. Infotainment with a robust IPC core - ETX turns infotainment displays into full-fledged computers. When it comes to perfect POS/POI infotainment, computer technology is the only platform that can combine all potential media.


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(in television) the reporting of news and facts in an entertaining and humorous way rather than…. Learn more. L'infodivertissement [1], ou information-divertissement [1] (en anglais infotainment [ˌ ɪ n f o ʊ ˈ t e ɪ n m ə n t] [2]), est un genre de média fournissant à la fois de l'information et du divertissement.C'est un mot-valise fusionnant les mots « information » et « divertissement », tout comme le terme anglais correspondant « infotainment » est la fusion des mots information et Your brain deserves some relaxation from all the hard work it does every day. So, why not supply it with Infotainment, a random piece of information that some how connects to your personal life 2021-03-15 Infotainment Infotainment Content Delivered Entertaining Attract Consumer's Interest Informative 3. Origin of Infotainment This term was 1st used in September 1980 by British information scientist who put comedy shows on their professional conference. 4.
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Anmärkningsvärda  Genom att kombinera ljud- och underhållningsanläggningen i hytten med navigeringssystemet och vagnparkshanteringssystemet har Volvo Lastvagnar skapat  INFOTAINMENT. TOUCH PRO DUO. Nya Touch Pro Duo, med utseende och funktioner som inget annat infotainment-system.

Det nya användarkonceptet ger dig möjlighet att göra fordonsinställningar samt att sköta vissa elektroniska enheter centralt via apparaten. 「インフォテインメント」の意味は《information(情報)+entertainment(娯楽)から》情報と娯楽を融合したもののこと。Weblio国語辞典では「インフォテインメント」の意味や使い方、用例、類似表現などを解説しています。 MirrorLink™ installed in the infotainment system allows compatible smartphones to display and control applications on-screen.
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Infotainment definition, edutainment. See more. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 Infotainment is no longer the exclusive preserve of luxury vehicles as it is now seen as indispensable in all vehicle categories.

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Infotainment Branschen automotive går idag mot allt mer app-liknande funktionalitet, vilket möjliggör kortare utvecklingstider och större flexibilitet. i3tex bidrar till området infotainment genom utveckling av bland annat uppkopplade tjänster, ljud och displaysystem, men vi erbjuder även tjänster inom interaktionsdesign. L’infotainment di un’auto utilizza come principale interfaccia lo schermo posto in posizione centrale sulla plancia e/o quello che integra o sostituisce la strumentazione tradizionale.

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See related science and technology articles, photos, slideshows and videos. is an industry leader in factory OEM automobile radio, camera, and satellite radio upgrades. Shop with us today and benefit from our expertise! News, music and entertainment – our infotainment systems always keep drivers up to date. Vehicles are increasingly equipped with technology, including infotainment systems. Read about some auto infotainment system safety guidelines to help  Infotainment systems also allow drivers to link their phones through integration software such as Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.