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Business Source Premier contains full text from the world’s top management and marketing journals including Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Business Source Premier. An essential article database for business research providing the full text for more than 2,000 periodicals, including about 1,000 scholarly journals. Covers virtually all disciplines in business and economics, including: accounting, economics, econometrics, finance, marketing, management, MIS, QMM and supply chain management. Business Source Premier. Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Non-Open-Access Journals: 548 Active Business Source Premier is a database covering business and management topics, including accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, management information systems, and operations management.

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If you need help finding more articles, don’t hesitate to contact a librarian. Thank you for watching. 2019-08-23 Business Source Premier. Access Open Business Source Premier .

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Publicerad: Ipswich, MA : EBSCO, [200?]- Engelska.

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In the lower part of the search screen are limiting options. Business Source Premier features the full text for more than 2,200 business journals.
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Den vetenskapliga artikeln har jag tagit fram med hjälp av bibliotekets sökmotor, Business Source Premier. I sökrutan skrev jag ”research methods” och sedan  Source: Rapport Högskolan Väst. Source: Högre Utbildning, Vol 10, Iss 1, Pp 98-107 (2020) Source: RIPS: Rapporter från instutitionen för pedagogik och  APA PsycInfo, Business Source Premier, Eric och Sociology Source Ultimate. Nedan finns information om databasen APA PsycInfo som ligger på EBSCOhost  av M Juul-Möller · 2001 — Murray, Joan, 2001 “Beyond basic nutrition: Functional Foods”, Databas: Business Source Premier Källa: FoodService Director. N.A, 2001, “You say you want a  Bean, L. (2006) RFID: Why the Worry?

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Grunduttaget  Business Source Premier (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Description of this database. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database  [Elektronisk resurs via Business Source Premier] American Bankers Association (ej angiven författare); “A Sampler of Swedish Technology” i ABA… Business Source Premier. JSTOR arkivdatabas inom bl a ekonomi. Science Direct vetenskapliga artiklar inom bl a ekonomi. Academic Search Elite. British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings (edsbl). British Library EThOS (edsble).

Business Source Premier features the full text for more than 2,200 business journals. Additional full text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses. Subscribers also get complimentary access to Regional Business News. Business Source Premier Journals, magazines, eBooks, company profiles, and country, market, and industry reports covering a variety of business disciplines.