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It was a huge weekend for top ranked pro Simon “C. Darwin2” Mattsson, who took down a beautiful double victory in the High Roller Club.. Mattsson kicked off in style, winning the HRC Sunday Warm-up for $42,738, besting “Pimmss” from the Netherlands, who has won multiple High Roller Series titles in the past. Pimms came second in the event for $32,471. C Darwin2 (Full Tilt Poker) poker results, poker ratings, online poker rankings. C Darwin2 ROI, ITM, wins, loses, profit.

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Starta programvaran ”Medilog Darwin 2”. Logga in med ditt 7 elektroders holter: kanal 2 = C (vit) nära sternum och D (gul) ytterst på vänster nyckelben. C. Darwin2; Pot Limit Omaha, Hi/Lo: Darth Vder58; Mörkpoker: ZebHardy; Seven Card Stud: pete korea; 8-Game: Matz “Sinster72″ Svensén. Ett hopp för framtiden!

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細菌快速  10 Oct 2019 Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom · Martin Jacobson · Chris Bjorin · Michael Tureniec · Simon ' C Darwin2' Mattsson. 2017年1月8日 Fabrizio 『SixthSenSe19』 Gonzalez繼續領跑PocketFives全球玩家排行榜,此前 的二、三名本周互換了位置。瑞典玩家』C Darwin2『上周拿  11 jul 2016 C.Darwin2. Denna mytomspunne svensk som fullkomligt krossar onlinepokerborden världen över just nu och som inte långt efter att den andre  18 Sep 2018 Also still alive: Noah 'Exclusive' Boeken, Simon 'C. Darwin2' Mattsson, and Robert 'PlayaPlz' Lipkin. The final event on the schedule, the $25K  Обзор воскресных турниров PokerStars: Lena900 и C. Darwin2 на коне. Evilp0ny 25 февраля 2020.
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C Darwin2 (Full Tilt Poker) poker results, poker ratings, online poker rankings. C Darwin2 ROI, ITM, wins, loses, profit. C Darwin2 poker statistics and poker ratings Matthew Warburton | August 10, 2020 in News Top ranked Swedish pro Simon “C. Darwin2” Mattsson and Russian “Crazylissy” pick up huge wins in the High Roller Club, the Stadium Series Afterparty brings a six figure score for “IsultanchickI”, and SCOOP winner “Eleres88” wins Sunday Warm-up.

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Darwin2" Mattsson Wins the $1,050 8-Max Turbo PKO. Simon “C.

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Simon ”C.Darwin2” Mattsson har behållit formen och spelade in över en halv miljon kronor när han tog sig till heads-up i hela tre olika event i High Roller Club-serien på Pokerstars. Vi har även fått 2021-04-14 · Simon "C. Darwin2" Mattsson Wins the $1,050 8-Max Turbo PKO. Simon “C.

7 DARWIN - 2 | 2 DEN BRAMEL'S BAYE - TWICKEL´S PIRAAT | Vallak | 2002 | W. van Beek. LB1 - B. 67.097 · 4. Katrine Yde Schrøder. 7 DARWIN - 2 | 2 DEN BRAMEL'S BAYE - TWICKEL´S PIRAAT | Vallak | 2002 | W. van Beek. LB1 - B. 64.032. Funktionärer.