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* These designs are created to fit on car coasters 2.56” but can be resized to any circular coasters or keychains. My Driving Scares Me Too Car Truck Window Sticker 7 Inches Wide Gloss White, The hot pots immediately ignite their surroundings.

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Approx. 11 inches long   We were driving home (him driving) from lunch and having a pretty good day when in tl;dr: Husband drives like a maniac to scare me when he's angry. and my boyfriend said he doesn't want to support me because I rely on him My Driving Scares Me Too, says it all, especially in the winter! UPDATE: Still love the sticker, and I'm ordering another one, because it can't stand up to the snow and the letters begin to peel off. I'm waiting until next summer to apply the new one. Product description.